Sobriety Rap

You want 12 Steps, man, now and with no rent,
just say I can’t – YEAH – and give up your old tent!
Time to go n’ leave and ban,
clean up ya life, because God can [YEAH]!

Achieved Step Two, here comes Step Three,
let God make him do it, let him make ya free!
But that’s not enough just do what ya can…
No worry! Hand in Hand, man by man!

To look within, you need an inventory.
May it turns to bin – we just wanna hear ya story [OKAY-YEAH]!
Step Five means admitting your own wrongs,
to a friend ’nd person or priest that you belong!
No matter – YEAH – ready for self change!
A lot to do man – it’s a new life’s arrange!

Seek God’s help and be His friend,
become now willing, buddy, to make ya amends!!
Will and amends – they are not enough…
You need to do it daily to stay above!
Step 10 inventory keep’s sober n’ clean,
even you get weird and your face li’l mean!!

Mean away – nice ’nd good!
Now pray and live in a calm hood…
Meditate also – Really don’t forget!
Your mind is getting sober, becoming great a well head!!

What you’ve got learned now – Let’s give it away!!
To everywhere ’nd now – You cannot rest where ya stay!!
Goin’ to meetings – ’nd day by day…
ya life’s becoming color and no more, more grey!
Get some guys now – which you can really help!
So your heart will grow and ya Ego has to melt!

The 12 Steps are suggestions – how many of us ’em call…
there’s no more excuse, man – we have to do them all!!
One by one – n’ Step by Step!
You’ll see man surely that ya really won’t regret!

Standing in da sh*t – seconds before you’re dying…
Oh now’s time to pray – YES – ’nd so no more, more lying!
But out of lightning nowhere – OH – there’s coming a hand!!
It’s God’s message, bro – that you’ve got another chance!!
This chance ain’t no special – it’s just a normal day…
which ya can use now for meetings, Steps, smiling and pray!!

Life’s so nice – the problem’s we’re blind…
’nd treating our family n’ fellows not very, very kind!!
Living the 12 Steps, man – Now ’nd only here…
Needing no more lust, drug, hate ’nd beer!!
All what ya really need – you’ve got it all in you!
What can I tell ya – no secrets so that’s the clue!!

My new life’s changed, God has it arranged!!
The sky is less cloudy and I’m feeling like a saint!!
This is my daily message – to you it’s part of my story…
da program help’s me everyday and my life’s no more boring…

Thank you – have fun! You can use this for poetry, rap, etc.

May one day we meet at a convention. Let’s set up a beat and do together some sober rap sessions. I do not guarantee for a perfect grammar – please have some clemency!

In fellowship,

Florian, SA Germany

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