Editors’ Corner

Dear Essay readers,

The saying Every dark cloud has a silver lining” conveys the notion that, no matter how bad a situation might seem, there is always some good aspect to it.

Our White Book phrases it like this: “Typically, when we come into the program, all kind of personal problems are uppermost in our mind: pending separation or divorce; problems of romance; and occupational, health, legal, or money crises. Most of us felt that if only the problems would go away, we would be okay. What we did not realize was that it is because of and within these very problems that the program works! The program doesn’t work in a vacuum; it only works in the day-to-day ebb and flow of our lives. Trial, tribulation, and pain are the soil in which the Steps can germinate, take root, and find fruition in our lives. Thus every problem, no matter how small or great; every crisis, resentment, pain, illness, stress, conflict, depression—any and all of them, without exception—can be turned into good.” (SA 75)

The theme of this issue is to focus our “magic magnifying mind” (BB 420) on the silver linings of the global lockdown. May the following stories inspire you to find and maintain happy and joyous freedom in your current life circumstances.

The Editorial Team

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