Discussion Topic + Feeling Part of by Involvement

Discussion Topic

Do I help others to experience fun in recovery? 

Fun in recovery was the last thing on Mat’s mind when he first stepped in the rooms. But in SA he became part of the excitement around conventions; was pleasantly surprised by members wanting to connect with him; and came to experience the priceless joy of serving.

Do I experience fun in my recovery? What can I do to increase it? 

Do I ask newcomers for their phone number in order to connect with them? Do I call them? Or do I only have my sponsor’s number?

Do I go out of my way to help newer members feel at home in SA? 

Do I attend SA conventions and other get-togethers? How do I contribute to the laughter and fun at meetings of my home group and bigger SA events? 

Do I experience the party that is going on in the middle of the SA life raft? The party which can only be obtained by doing service? 

Do I encourage others to embrace the opportunity of serving on committees and attending SA events? 

You may use this topic in a discussion meeting, or send us a story of your own recovery journey to essay@sa.org



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