Editors' Corner

Editors’ Corner

“Fun in Recovery”—it sounded most unrealistic at first.

But we kept coming back and over time, we developed a liking for meetings and for connection with other members. By working our program we came to see the positives in every situation and even started to enjoy life’s rainy days. We, who used to be habitual moaners, now actively looked about us for reasons to be cheerful and grateful.

In this edition, we invite you to read testimony from around the world to the joy of recovery. Read how one member in Israel found love and joy in a new home group; how a member from the UK learned to have fun with his own story when he performed a mime act at a talent show; how a recovering female member in Kenya realized a childhood dream when she became a motor-biker; also, fun by the shores of Lake Galilee where members set up a tent-camp after the Regional Convention in Jerusalem; and then, the member from Brisbane who discovered a deep and fulfilling joy through serving the fellowship at a variety of levels.

We are proud to present too in this issue a transcript and recording of the historical talk given by Roy K.’s son, Dan, at the Armenian convention in October.

And last, but not least, our special feature on page 34—our brand-new ESSAY website: essay.sa.org available in nine different languages and recordings.

We truly hope you have lots of joy and fun reading this edition!

In fellowship, The editorial team

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