The Regional Alignment Committee Update

The Regional Alignment Committee Census Update

The ongoing, ten-year Census of Sexaholics Anonymous is progressing. Regional Representatives are disseminating information on how to access and complete the Meeting Registration Form. Completed Meeting Registrations are being shared with members of the GDA (General Delegate Assembly) and other trusted servants every fifteen days. This feedback process assists all trusted servants in reaching out to areas that have not participated in the Census.

As of the end of October 2022, approximately 30% of previously-known meetings have registered. Over 50% of registered meetings have an online component, whether by Zoom, Skype, phone, or in a hybrid format. Most meetings are planning to retain their online components as the pandemic fades.

Latin American communities have been receiving translated instructions from their Regional Representatives (IGRs).

A note about how information from the Census form is used: only SAICO receives personal contact information, whereas the Regional Alignment Committee (RAC) only receives the regional designation and meeting attendance numbers from the Online Registration Form.

The trusted servants of the RAC want to thank all those who have recently registered their meeting.


Farley H., RAC Chair

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