A God Box

This can be a very helpful tool to use not only for yourself but to show those you are mentoring and certainly your family members. Whenever you feel disturbed, upset, or bothered, if you are worrying about something, fretting, can’t get it out of your mind, irritated at someone, resent someone, obsessing about a topic or person or object, if there is anything taking up too much space in your brain (a dangerous neighborhood — don’t go in there by yourself!), give this tool a try.

Use any kind of box from the well decorated to an old shoe box or a box you were about to throw away. You can have a creative time with this. Get a plain box and some colors or acrylic paint and brushes and have a Painting Party.

Once the box is ready, take time to write out in detail exactly what your thoughts are (see list above) and put them in print. Put them in the God Box and close it. Then ask God to take them away and ask Him for His Will to be done with whatever you wrote. Ask Him to take it because it is killing you. “You, handle it, God, because it is taking up too much in my brain.”

Keep your box and add to it. If you want, you can check the contents after a month. See what comes to mind and see how things have changed since you let it go. Sometimes it will take many, many months for it to get better and less disturbing. It’s a great lesson in letting go, surrendering, taking action, giving up control, and connecting with the One who can handle it.

Allen C., Tennessee, USA

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