Porn Free

I am grateful today for Sexaholics Anonymous, and for one year porn free. That is a miracle! I attended my first SA meeting in June 2011, but this is the first time I have celebrated one year. God willing I will stay sober and porn free for the rest of my life.

I think that what is different today is that I now understand that I am addicted to lust, and if I want to continue to be porn free, I must surrender every lust temptation, of whatever kind, the moment it appears. I learned this from listening to the tapes of a long-term SA member. Some days I do this diligently, and other days I don’t. I am far from perfect. So it’s only by God’s grace that I am sober today.

At times I still find myself enjoying a second look or going briefly into the porn store in my head. When this happens, I immediately call one of my SA friends to surrender my lust. I also have morning and evening check-in/accountability partners, so it is never long before I surrender any lust incidents. If I indulge in a prolonged fantasy or recalling of pornography in my head, for me that would be a form of sex with self, and I would have to reset my sobriety date.

Reading the article “What is Sex With Self” in the book “Practical Recovery Tools” helped me to understand this.

Tools That Have Helped Me Become Porn Free

The tools that have been the most useful for me are:

  • Praying “God help me,” whenever I am tempted to look at a woman.
  • Taking the 12 Steps.
  • Calling my sponsor regularly, especially when triggered or emotionally disturbed.
  • Calling others if I don’t get hold of my sponsor.
  • Asking my sponsor for suggestions and trying to follow them.
  • Working my AA and Al-Anon programs as well as SA.
  • Attending meetings regularly and punctually, and taking a service position.
  • Volunteering for other small service tasks in SA and in other areas of my life.
  • Calling fellows to see how they are doing and to get to know them better.
  • Practicing Step Eleven prayer and meditation.
  • Trying to stick to regular daily calls with my morning and evening check-in partners and sharing honestly with them.
  • Remembering to lighten up, to not take myself or my life too seriously, and to laugh whenever possible!
  • Accepting my physical, mental, and emotional limits.
  • Reading approved literature.
  • Writing gratitude lists.
  • Engaging in a dialogue throughout the day with my Higher Power, and getting to know and trust Him.
  • Praying for faith, trust, willingness, and guidance.
  • Seeking and accepting outside help (doctor, psychiatrist, medication, psychotherapist) for my anxiety. I have talked with educated and experienced members in this area during this process.

Thank you to the fellowship of Sexaholics Anonymous for one year porn free!


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