The Good Side of Tech

I am a technophobe, and clumsy at best when it comes to all the gadgets today. I miss the simple life of rotary phones and typewriters! I realize that technology neither caused my disease nor is responsible for my recovery.

Technology nearly killed me, pushing me deeper into the problem. At first, I found the thrill of telephone chat lines, where I found many addicts like myself sometimes for free but usually for $0.99 per minute that I could charge to my credit card. Damn the cost, I could talk live to others seeking the same disconnection. Soon, this thing called the internet arrived and I was hooked. I spent countless hours watching pornography and searching webcams in an effort to reach my next high. It wasn’t long before I was cruising online dating sites and trolling for illicit services via adult “want ads.” In the ultimate shameful behavior. I lost my job because I thought it was a smart, rationale idea to use my work computer to hire an escort. Just before I found the miracle of the program I remember lying in bed Googling for ways to commit suicide while my beautiful family was downstairs. Thankfully my Higher Power didn’t let me find that article.

The same vices and demons are still there today. Now, through the grace of the SA program, technology is a key part of my recovery and propelling me further into the Solution. Today, I use my smartphone to start my day with a spiritual renewal call or to participate in an SA phone meeting. I have downloaded some recovery tools to my phone as well. Every Wednesday I send along a gratitude list to my SA fellows whose numbers I have accumulated on my smartphone, and I send and receive texts from other fellows in the program as we trudge along the road toward happy destiny. Finally, I use my computer to help me find recovery meetings on my frequent business travel. I have been to numerous SA meetings on three continents. While I prefer an SA meeting, the internet has led me to many great recovery meetings all while helping me build a global recovery network.

Today, with the tap of a button I can make a call, send a text, find a meeting, or immerse myself in a great reading. Maybe I am not such a technophobe after all.

Bill K., New York, USA

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