Editors’ Corner

Dear Essay readers:

This issue of Essay includes many stories on “Sobriety and Relationships.” Our next issue in May 2019 will focus on “Open Mindedness.” Please send in any stories or short articles on your experience with Open Mindedness in sobriety. Future topics are August, 2019: SA At 40 Years! October, 2019: Prison Issue. Let us hear from you at essay@sa.org

Our desire to be a global Meeting in Print continues. Translations of Essay in Spanish and Farsi and Hebrew are happening. There are new Regions and new intergroups forming worldwide. As of February the free downloads of Essay were 1,657 for the December 2018 issue and 2,219 for the October, 2018 issue. Articles in Posts were downloaded 2,756 times from Essay in January alone! The five 2018 issues February, May, August, October and December of Essay en español were downloaded hundreds of times. Each of these are at sa.org/essay

We encourage groups and individuals to order mailed subscriptions for those who find Essay easier to hand to newcomers and to use for meeting discussions. The print edition of SA has fewer pages than the electronic version due to mailing requirements. Print or electronic, each version of Essay can serve you as a Meeting in Print. Thank you for being readers of Essay!

The Editors (David, Kira, Kent, Kirsten)

& Artists (Christian M., Jimmy M.)

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