SA Online Services Task Force

The pandemic has fundamentally changed the way members connect with each other. Where once a long-established home group might receive an occasional visit from an out-of-town member, nowadays members routinely pick and choose meetings from across the globe, “Zooming” or dialing in at the touch of a button. While this technology is a blessing, there are concerns that it might undermine the familiar structure of the SA fellowship; concerns too that this technology can be open to misuse.

In order to address these concerns, the Board of Trustees has established an “Online Services task force.” This body will explore how to get the best out of today’s technology whilst reducing the risks to our common welfare. The task force has identified the following implications, opportunities and challenges for consideration:

  • How to carry the SA message online
  • Online anonymity and security
  • How the internet might serve as a primary point of contact for new members
  • How to get people safely from their first online contact to their first meeting
  • Support for online meetings, workshops and conventions
  • Assisting loners
  • Online and electronic measures to facilitate the 7th tradition
  • Collaboration with the Essay magazine to help carry the SA message online
  • Provide technical support to SAICO, helping them to maintain their online service
  • Identify threats and promote safety measures
  • Provide platforms for national, regional and international online service meetings
  • Develop guidance for those organizing or hosting online events
  • Facilitate access to literature
  • Provide a Social Media presence for SA

To find out more, or assist the task force in its activities, contact Brendan T. at

Brendan T., Ireland

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