Step Three — Relinquishing Control

Once a beachhead is established, defeat of the enemy is inevitable. Even if the first sallies out of the beachhead meet with stiff resistance and are driven back, it doesn’t matter; once a beachhead is established, enemy collapse is assured.

This is how I visualize taking my Third Step: by my surrender, my Higher Power sets up a beachhead inside my soul. This doesn’t mean that I am saved at once from my old self, from my old ways of thinking and behaving. Not at all. That battle goes on, a day at a time. And sometimes old cravings, resentments and rage overwhelm me – but not Him. Once He knows He’s welcome in my life, He’ll wade in, sleeves rolled up. The more I surrender to Him, the more space He wins, and the more I win. So long as I stay surrendered, that beachhead gets bigger and bigger inside of me and I am freed from old tyrannies.

Javier S., Guayaquil, Ecuador

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