The SA UK Winter Convention Gave Her Hope

This January, our fellows in SA Exeter in the UK organized a Winter Convention held in their beautiful ancient city in the Southwest of England; it was a 3-day weekend of fellowship with sexaholics who came from all over the UK and Europe.

This has been my first convention, and I was filled with excitement and anxiety at the same time. The anxiety went away as soon as I encountered everyone who I have met through Zoom meetings in the past year, and I must say that I felt that I have known everyone for a long time, and felt really welcomed.

The program was fantastic with the following topics: “Living Life on Life’s Terms,” “Obstacles and Solutions for a Joyful Recovery,” “Working the Steps,” “Meditation,” “Disclosure,” “Creating Joy in Fellowship,” “Emotional Sobriety,” “Faith Replacing Fear,” and everyone’s favorite, “The Talent Show.”

It was a blessing to hear people’s stories and be able to relate to them even if we all came from different walks of life and backgrounds. I can identify a lot with the struggles others endured from this disease and how they seek recovery and were given faith through this program, and more importantly, realizing that we all have the same goal: to live a sober life and to share the message to other sexaholics who are still suffering.

I’ve never felt at home and safe in a group of strangers where I can truly be myself and express how I’m feeling—my defects and my hopes. As a young woman in SA, this has truly been an amazing experience for me. I was given hope, and was inspired to live a beautiful sober life, to reconnect with my Higher Power, and be united with my brothers and sisters.

Leah, Surrey, UK

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