februari-2023-Editors' Corner

Editor’s Corner


Many of us first experienced the joy of service in early recovery when we started giving back to our home group—turning up on time, sharing respectfully and honestly, helping set up the room and welcoming newcomers. As we grow in the Steps, we begin to give more of ourselves and soon take on sponsees. Giving of ourselves—of our time and our focus—for the sake of another is deeply fulfilling; to be so trusted by another, and to see him or her get well is truly joyful—and great insurance for our own recovery too

In time, we grow to serve at intergroup and at regional levels, organizing workshops and conventions, translating, editing or proofreading. And we do the same beyond the fellowship, investing gladly in the joy and wellbeing of our children, spouses, parents, colleagues, and friends. “The joy of living is in the giving”—it’s an old cliche; but in our experience, it is so true that serving others produces joy, not least for ourselves who are no longer living alone in our old, cold universe.

This issue bears it out. We read of the happy contentment of a Costa Rican member who gives of his time and expertise by helping with the bimonthly translation of ESSAY into Spanish; we read how a Dutch fellow who got married in sobriety discovered how to optimize his time and service, giving to his wife and family and to the fellowship, without depriving either. We read too how Ameer from Iraq, by faith, endurance and dedication, experienced the transformation of his home group from a tentative gathering at the edges of recovery into a solid and healthy SA group.

Read too of the joyful experience of a member from Wales who finds God on his walks in nature and of the joy of a Slovakian lady who is free today from captivity to pornography which had harmed her for so many years.  

We include an update on the RAC census of SA Meetings and also an update on details of the International Convention in Cracow, Poland, next July.

The ESSAY Editor

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