februari-2023-SA's Growth Depends on You Too!

What’s Going On in SA


SA continues to fulfill its purpose to be available to the sexaholic who needs it. We have meetings in over 70 countries, as well as lots of online meetings. Any newcomer who needs SA can find a meeting!

Chat with the Trustees. Last year, we started holding quarterly Zoom sessions to chat informally with the Trustees. You can meet your trusted servants and find out how they think. Watch for announcements through your regional delegates and intergroups. 

Finances. SAICO continues to be solvent, but inflation affects us just as everyone else. We ended 2022 with over eight months of reserve funds, in excess of our desired prudent reserve of six months. Our 2023 budget is for a deficit, to be covered by those excess reserves. The budget also assumes that we, the Fellowship, step up to a greater level of contribution than in 2023. We can increase contributions at local levels, which will flow toward intergroups, regions, and SAICO. Or we can contribute directly to SAICO at sa.org/contribute. Remember: we accept no outside donations, so our finances depend completely on us.

International Conventions. You can register now for Krakow in July 2023! Jerusalem in January 2024 is geared up and ready. Los Angeles in July 2024 is in work, and Dallas has been approved for July 2025. Plan to attend; we can meet SA friends from all over the world! Go to https://www.sa.org/events/ for more information.

Public Information. The Public Information Committee (PIC) has been very active recently. They have a strong effort preparing information to better welcome newcomer women. They’re also creating more videos for use on sa.org and throughout SA.

Accessibility. We’re looking hard at accessibility issues around SA. The main web site sa.org will soon receive modifications to make it more accessible. International and regional conventions are addressing issues for deaf and blind members.

Meeting Registration. If your meeting isn’t registered in the census, do so today! The census ends this month, and the same registrations will completely rebuild the Meeting Finder on sa.org. Read more on p. 34. 

Service Work. This year, four of our eight Trustees are ending their service. If you’ve got over five years of recovery, consider volunteering for this essential service to keep SA available and active for all. If you’re not yet there, then take your recovery to the next level with other service, at your local group, Intergroup, or Region. You can also contact SAICO about international work on committees. Talk with your sponsor about what you can do.

Eric H., Florida, USA — Trustee Chair

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