Next Edition _ Coming in April

Coming Next

The April issue will be focusing on the theme “Courage to Change,” which will be the theme of the upcoming Los Angeles July International Convention.

Picking a Convention Theme
This Los Angeles fellow describes why the theme “Courage to Change” was chosen and how the convention team is proceeding towards the event.

Being of Service to Others
Whereas selfishness was the root of his troubles, being of service to others is the root of his recovery today.

Every Day I Saw Them
He was in prison for four years and saw many friends in prison never getting mail. Therefore, he is very active nowadays in the CFC to make sure we reach out to those most isolated ones.


April 2024 edition: Courage to Change (Stories due Mar 1) This edition will be devoted to the theme of the July International Convention in Los Angeles, USA.

June 2024 edition: Men & Women in SA (Stories due May 1) Share with us how you and your home group cultivate meetings and socializing activities that are welcoming and supportive for both men and women.

August 2024 edition: What is Lust? (Stories due July 1) Its focus on lust is what sets SA apart from the other S-fellowships and makes our fellowship so efficient.

October 2024 edition: Using the Literature of the Program (Stories due Sept 1) Exploring the wealth of the life-changing AA and SA literature we have at our disposal.

Opinions expressed in ESSAY are not to be attributed to SA as a whole, nor does publication of any article imply endorsement by SA or by ESSAY.

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The ESSAY Editor

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