Hi readers, and happy reading for 2024! In this month’s issue we remember those members of early SA who have since passed away in sobriety; their example attests to the great strength of our program and to the Grace of a loving God in our lives. Their testimonies don’t speak of religion—we don’t pretend to be religious; rather, they illustrate how trust in a loving God, as understood by each one, can help a bunch of drunks like us to stay sober.
Read how the Daily Sobriety Renewal came about. We reflect on Dave T., amongst the most widely traveled of SA members, giving SA workshops all over the world, and who has now sadly taken his final journey. A member tells us the inspiring story of our founder Roy K., whom he knew very well. Be inspired too by reflections on oldtimer Jess L., as related by two of his old time SA friends. Enjoy the transcript of one of the many brilliant talks given by David M. And, at CFC, read about the fellow who devoted his service to helping our SA brothers in prison.
We include inspiring testimony from a soldier on active service who shares how he manages to stay serene amidst the horrors of war by creating for himself fresh, invigorating ways of working his program. Another member recounts how Step Zero has been a game changer for him and for his home group.
Finally, we on the editorial team would like to give special mention in remembrance of our esteemed colleague, Barbara F. Barbara got sober in 2001 and left us in 2023. She was the editor of the ESSAY from 2007 till 2015.
Let their footsteps guide us as we trudge the Road of Happy Destiny.
In fellowship,
The Editorial Team, essay@sa.org