I want to share six affirmations I created on an app called “I AM,” that show on my phone screen throughout the day to a background of a setting sun at a beach. They help me to stay sober.
The first is, “TALK LESS, LISTEN MORE”: I need to give callers less advice (which we addicts don’t much like anyway) and more simply paying attention. This is still the hardest one for me to do.
The second is, “NOTICE BLESSINGS”: It’s easy for me to not remember the little, often unexpected, good things that happen to me; a phone call from an old friend, or a business worry that turned out well are a couple of recent examples in my life.
The third is, “SAY THANK YOU”: I believe that speaking to my Highest Power out loud helps me accept that I deserve His unearned blessings, regardless of my faults and mistakes. (At my age, the first thing I do when I wake up is to say “Thank You.”)
The fourth is, “ALL LOSSES CONTAIN GAINS”: This reminds me that Highest Power gives me “pop quizzes” in the form of obstacles and challenges that usually hide a blessing; in my case, I had to let go of a couple of favorite hobbies (competitive fencing and skeet shooting) because creeping spinal stenosis requiring leg braces. However, I now have more time to enjoy online chess, catch up on favorite old films, and read (currently the history of the Roman emperors and the origins of WW1).
The fifth is, “ALL THINGS COME … TO PASS”: This old saying reminds me to Slow Down, and not to try to manage everything … Sometimes I just wait awhile, and see what happens; Higher Power usually does a better job at managing than I do!
The sixth is, “ACT AS IF”: I can’t seem to force away feelings like resentment, sadness, and shame, but I can smile, and speak as if I’m a character in a stage play or a movie, scripted to express those emotions, co-authored with Higher Power; I know not to take them too seriously.
These affirmations are reminders from my heart to my head telling me to work my Steps and live according to the spiritual principles of our Traditions.
The “I AM” app is free, and has a huge variety of built-in affirmations and background scenes; mine have now helped me stay sober for over nine years for which I’m very grateful.
Stan H., Albany, New York, USA