In This Issue

A New Look at Lust Recovery, Part Two

In 1935-1938, in the midst of a ragtag roundup of woebegotten rummies, something was happening which would turn into the greatest event of the twentieth century. This was the joyous discovery that God was doing for hopeless drunks what they had never been able to do for themselves. Before there was any AA literature, before there were any Steps, Akron Ohio 1935-1938 was where hope for lust-aholics was born.

In Cranford, NJ last November I spoke about how that seminal AA experience produced the miracle of what we know today as the Twelve Step movement. It centered around one simple fact—Surrender. Surrender to God before others on the specific point of our powerlessness. I talked about how this Akron Experience was being realized in my own history of lust recovery (Part One).

The question we’re really dealing with is lust recovery. The answer is surrender—Akron ’35 style. The Akron surrenders were very simple, very direct. And they worked. That’s when the fire struck. That’s what worked for those “impossibles.” That was the miracle.

There is great hope here. The word is getting around and catching on. In the belief that such surrender will help us break through the lust barrier in SA, I offer “Part Two: The 1935 Akron Experience as a Program for Lust Recovery.”

Roy K.

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