What’s Going On in SA

Loners Committee

The Loners Committee consists of members who live in isolated areas or where they cannot attend a meeting as often as they would like. They write or call each other. This service is considered a lifeline to those who use it.

There is a need for a new Chair for this Committee. This member receives the requests of members to be added to the list, sends out the Welcome Letter with the list, revises the list from time to time, and writes many of those on the lists. Deep and lasting friendships have developed through this process.

Interested members can write to SAICO, PO Box 111910, Nashville TN 37222.

Notes from SAICO

Has your address changed?
Did you get a new phone number?
Do you have a new area code?
Did you remember your address or zip code change on your Essay renewal?
Has your local, group, or Intergroup contact changed?
Are you sponsoring a marathon, retreat, assembly, or special meeting?
Do you have experience, strength and hope to share? A good story? A funny one? An inspiring one?

Did you notify Central Office?

Material for September issue of Essay should arrive in Central Office by August 1.

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