A Channel of Peace

Lord, make me a channel of thy peace[…] (12&12 99).

This opening phrase of our version of the St. Francis prayer offers me a degree of comfort and hope unlike any other prayer. Whether sitting in my chair for morning meditation or out walking the dog, those words begin by centering me on “Lord” rather than “me.” For this addict, that’s the best possible first step toward serenity.

The next words always get my attention. “Make me a channel” reminds me to pass on what has been given to me. “Make me a channel” also reminds me I have pathways in my being which need regular cleaning. “Make me a channel” tells me to let God be the contractor and that I am the worker. “Make me a channel” instills a sense of time and movement. There is a direction to my life.

Finally, “of thy peace” dictates the purpose and the contents of the channel. My normal state is to be afraid. Whether it’s one fear or one hundred forms of fear, I default to negative apprehensions. As it says in the Twelve and Twelve, the chief activator of my character defects is self-centered fear. What I seek in recovery and in my life every day is serenity, which will come as I accept God’s peace and will for my life today.

God, may my channels of self-centeredness be cleansed by your power and love. May Thy will for my life be done today, which is the doorway to inner peace.


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