
Giving, rather than getting, will become the guiding principle (AA 128).

I am an SA woman who has been sober for four years. If you had met me five years ago, you would have found a confused, greedy, and very sick person. Today, thanks to my Higher Power, sponsor, and my SA groups, I am able to see my life and world in a sane way. “Being restored to sanity” sounded boring to me at first, but I now find sanity so much more rewarding than my old, lust-driven life.

Sometimes I feel depressed about my past choices, but that does not help me or my family today. After the havoc of my acting-out behaviors, what my family needs is a new wife and a new mother—and I also deserve a new me!

I used to think that happiness consisted of getting lots of gifts. I would even buy gifts for myself on my birthdays. But whatever I did, I was never satisfied. Now that I have been given a second chance in life, I have learned that giving to others is truly the gift. Learning the difference between giving and getting has made all the difference. Am I satisfied today? You bet I am!


Beth N.

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