Another 1-2-3 Approach

I know all about doing a quick “1-2-3” when I am confronted with an obvious threat to my sobriety. For example: Should I go to the party when I know “she” will be there? In those moments, I mentally go through Steps One, Two, and Three, which I summarize as: “I can’t, He can, so let Him!” Then the threat is neutralized, just for a time, just for today—and so the miracle happens time and time again.

A bigger problem occurs in more subtle situations, such as when I’m feeling an emotion that I absolutely do not want to surrender—such as anger, resentment, entitlement, self-pity, depression, or sadness. I don’t always appreciate in the moment that those feelings can equally threaten my sobriety. For both the obvious and the more subtle threats, I have learned to ask myself the following three simple questions:

  1. Does this event, place, or emotion get me closer to sobriety or closer to relapse?
  2. What part of God’s will is in this event, place, or emotion?
  3. Do I need this event, place, or emotion in my life more than I need my Higher Power?

When I force myself to answer those three questions and I am rigorously honest in my response, I get immediate answers and am forced out of my fantasy and back into reality.

Often the more subtle threats are more dangerous. Many times the disease is like a sniper, dressed in camouflage, patiently sitting there with his rifle ready: cunning, baffling, and powerful. It will wait for days, weeks, months, or even years. It waits for me to relax and take off my helmet and body armor, thinking that everything is fine now and that the sniper does not exist. That is exactly the time the sniper lines up the crosshairs between my eyes and fires a bullet that jerks me from the Road of Happy Destiny, kills my sobriety, and drags me down into the ditch.

Hopefully, this little technique will help others to stay sober, just for today. See you down the Road!

Dennis D., Youngstown, OH

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