New Region on the SA Map: EMER

We are happy to announce the emergence of a new SA Region, the first to be formed with the support of the SA International Committee. The “Europe and Middle-East Region” (EMER) is fully operational and will hold its first face-to-face Regional Assembly and Convention at Ammerdown, UK from 30 August through 1 September 2012.

EMER has evolved out of the “Ireland and United Kingdom” Region, in the natural way that our service structure evolves. SA groups join together to form Intergroups, Intergroups band together to form Regions, and Regions send delegates to the General Delegate Assembly.

EMER now includes six Intergroups, and may soon be joined by a seventh. What’s unusual is that each of these Intergroups operates in a different country! Member countries at present are: Belgium (Flanders), Ireland, Israel, the Netherlands, Poland, and the United Kingdom. English is used for business meetings and correspondence, but our native languages now include Polish, Flemish, Hebrew, and Dutch. Other countries and languages may possibly be included in the future. EMER’s treasury deals in five currencies: zloty, shekels, euros, pounds, and dollars.

For countries that have only one Intergroup, joining EMER is especially beneficial. By joining the larger region, these Intergroups can truly be incorporated into the worldwide service structure. They can participate actively in a wider group conscience and avoid the pitfalls of “going it alone.”

The Israeli Intergroup is one example of this benefit. This Intergroup is of course focused primarily on the needs of its member groups. However, through participation in the EMER, the Israeli Intergroup can now help carry the SA message into Jewish communities in London, Manchester, Rotterdam, Amsterdam. and Antwerp!

Hosting an annual Regional Convention is another way for member Intergroups to carry the message. This is a great way for a country to boost the experience, strength and hope of its fellowship. While this year’s EMER Regional Assembly and Convention will be held at Ammerdown, our hope is that each year a different country will host the Convention, so that this benefit will be spread to all our member Intergroups.

We have many exciting ideas for the future. For example, EMER might have the opportunity to carry the message into the Vatican or to some of Europe’s 109 Health Authorities. We would love to champion the translation of SA literature in minority European and Middle-Eastern languages. However, most of what we do now is more down-to-earth. We are learning how best to serve our member groups and Intergroups.

EMER plans to make quarterly donations to SAICO. We hope to send at least two Delegates per year to the GDA, at our own expense, and through them to participate yet more fully in the life and work of our growing international fellowship.

In fellowship,

Nicholas S., Chair, Regional Assembly, and Delegate to the GDA

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