Calling on My Higher Power

I was on my way to an SA International Convention, less than a half an hour from home, when the traffic started to back up. I was already fighting a resentment about the traffic problems I usually encounter when I drive to this particular city. I was becoming more and more frustrated, certain I would be late. I had committed to speak on a 3:00 p.m. panel discussion of how to develop a deeper relationship with my Higher Power!

Finally, in desperation, I cried out to my Higher Power. I prayed, “God, I am really frustrated with this traffic situation. If you want me to be on time for that panel to talk about You, it’s going to be Your job to get me there!” Then I thought, “Okay, that’s settled.” I felt relief.

It wasn’t long, however, before my feelings of restlessness, irritability, and discontent with the traffic resurfaced. These are sure signs of my wanting to control things again. I reached for my phone, then put it back down. I reached for it again, opened it up then put it back down. My mind was churning: Who I could call at the conference, to tell them that I might arrive late?

The truth was I didn’t trust God to get me to the conference when I needed to be there, even after I’d asked for His help and supposedly surrendered my will to His. My turbulent soul affirmed that I wasn’t fully trusting and wasn’t fully surrendering the outcome to God.

About that time I saw a big, blue sign on the side of the road. There was a lot of writing on the sign, but the only words my brain computed were “Call HP.” I laughed out loud. God was in control! Needless to say, I left my travel in God’s capable hands and arrived at the conference with an hour and a half to spare—even in record time!

It’s been a long road for me to learn to trust my Higher Power, but sober experiences like this one make me continue to desire to develop a deeper relationship with the God of my understanding, who keeps me sober, one day at a time—sometimes one hour or one minute at a time. Thank you God for SA!

In love and service,

Jeana W., Asheville, NC

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