Finance Report

A detailed donations report is enclosed with mailed issues of ESSAY. The report is also available from SAICO. To request your copy, please call SAICO at 866-424-8777 or write to

Quarterly Appeal Reinstated

In 2008, an appeal was sent out to the fellowship to help offset a shortfall in contributions to SAICO. Called the “Quarterly Appeal,” this was a request for contributions from members, meetings, Intergroups, and regions. The fellowship stepped forward and by 2011, SAICO had a funding surplus, and the Quarterly Appeal was retired. However, over the past three years, SAICO fellowship contributions have failed to meet budgeted projections, leaving some of our outreach programs in jeopardy. As a result, the GDA voted in May to reinstate the Quarterly Appeal.

The Finance Committee believes that reinstating this Appeal is necessary to allow SAICO to expand its scope. SA outreach continues to expand in many directions: the support of prisoners through the Corrections Facilities Committee, support of inquirers and new meetings around the world through the International Committee, and the ongoing development of new literature through the Literature Committee. In addition, in carrying the SA message to those who still suffer around the globe, SAICO must expand its capacity to deal with languages other than English, and with a whole range of world cultures and currencies.

We urge every group to send a special donation for this Quarterly Appeal. The participation of your group will be an investment in carrying the SA message around the world to those who still suffer.

Thank you for your service and support.

Carlton B., Finance Committee Chair

ESSAY Subscription Price Adjustment

Dear Readers,

We have always tried to keep the price of ESSAY as low as possible, in order to make our “meeting in print” accessible to the sexaholic who still suffers. For at least the past eight years, the base price for all subscriptions, printed and digital, has been $12.

However, because of increased printing and shipping costs (specifically postage) and the increased cost of labor, the Delegates and the Board of Trustees have voted to adjust the price of ESSAY, effective May 2014. Following is the new pricing structure:

  • Electronic version (via e-mail): $12
  • Print version (mailed to USA Zip Code): $16
  • Group rate (print version for 10 or more copies sent to the same USA address): $14
  • Print version (mailed to addresses outside USA): $20

Thank you for your loyal support of the ESSAY. Without you there would be no ESSAY!

Carlton B., Finance Committee Chair

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