Persian White Book at Last

In the early years of establishing SA in Iran we did not know how to stop our problem and recover from sexaholism. Members of other Twelve Step programs who had long-term sobriety joined SA and gave us recommendations from their own fellowships to help us to recover from our sexual behavior. However, this did not provide much help for our members. Many relapsed after a while, got discouraged, and then left the program. At the time we had only a few SA pamphlets that had been printed in Persian (Farsi), such as “SA for the Newcomer.”

Then in 2006, we established a translations committee and prioritized our needs. First, we translated “Practical Tools,” “Recovery Continues,” and “Step into Action: One, Two, Three.” In parallel, we worked on translating the White Book. This required a longer time because it is a thick book with many pages. Along the way, we would sometimes publish a few paragraphs of the White Book in the local Persian SA magazine. This was a great help for our members.

Now, after eight years, the White Book has been translated and printed, and it is on sale at our groups. Today at my local group meeting, I could see the happiness of our members who have been waiting all these years to have a Persian White Book. This will greatly help us to understand more specifically how our fellowship works.

I’m very grateful for the help of members from the USA and Europe who have helped us to improve SA in Iran and translate our literature.

Mohsen K., Ahwaz, Iran

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