Galway Group Mourns Ian L.

A member Ian L. of SA in Galway, Ireland, went missing on the 9th of March 2016. He left a note. It was feared that he had drowned himself in the sea. After eleven days his body was recovered at Aughinish, on Galway Bay. The news shocked members in the Galway Group, in Europe, in the UK and the USA.

Ian first came to SA in July 2012. He was a regular member of the Galway Group, and attended conventions all over Ireland and UK. He attended his last SA meeting on March 7th. He made contact with many members over those two days.

A month after he went missing, the Galway Group held a Remembrance Day. Seventeen members attended and four others participated by telephone from UK and Australia. Members shared their memories and feelings. We opened with a beautiful member composed fiddle music. We read a humorous poem from an American friend describing meeting Ian. Some members cried as they expressed grief and anger. One member shared that Ian was his daily renewal partner for over three years. Some recited very touching poems they had written, or read from inspirational books, or sang and played moving music.

He was indeed a character with a wonderful sense of humor. Friends remembered Ian talking a mile a minute, non-stop, while racing to the meeting in his customary yellow jumper, white trousers and runners. As the sharing ended we recalled that through the SA program we overcome darkness with light.

Ian was very much loved by the Galway Group, and he knew he was loved. We hope this tragedy reminds us to keep in touch with one another and bind us closer in fellowship. A member told about a gift from Ian that now hangs framed on his kitchen wall. The inscription reads in Irish: “Ní Neart go cur le Chéil” and in English “There is no Strength without Unity.”

Farewell, Friend! Until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of His hand.

The Galway Group, Ireland

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