Editors’ Corner

Dear Essay readers:

In the fall of 2016 an SA member in Helsinki asked, “Why do we need to pay for the electronic copy of Essay?” The answer to his question begins with this issue of Essay: the electronic version of Essay is now available on the sa.org/essay website! This also fulfills the oft repeated desire of Roy K., our founder, to have Essay be available for free to any sexaholic who desires to read it.

Essay continues to be your SA meeting in print or on-screen. We hope individuals and groups will subscribe to Essay or donate to SAICO to keep each quarterly issue coming.

The electronic PDF version can have more pages and expanded articles than the print version. We continue Letters, Humor, Maxey and Misery Covery, and, of course, your SA stories. Send us your writings and drawings! We use the SA website (sa.org/essay/) for longer and recent articles. Please do check them out from time to time.

The September 2017 theme is Willing to Go To Any Length. Have any experience, strength and hope for us in that area? Let us hear from you!

The Editors (David, Kira, Kent)

& Artists (Christian M., Jimmy M., Amy C.)


Dear Electronic Essay Reader/Subscriber,

Big News! Your Essay editorial staff and the Board of Trustees are setting the e-version free! This was one of the Founder Roy K.’s dreams — to use a free Essay to share sexaholic recovery stories and tell the Fellowship about events in SA life.

Beginning 15 June anyone can receive an electronic copy of Essay. Go to the Essay section on the international website: “Download the current Essay.”

Three very important notes:

  • This change does not affect print subscribers. If you have a print and an e-version Subscription, you will still receive your quarterly printed version in the mail.
  • You may still have some unused value attached to your e-subscription. You may either apply for a refund of the unused portion at saico@sa.org or you can generously donate it to the SAICO general fund by allowing your e-subscription to simply expire. Each issue will include a Donate button to contribute to SAICO if you wish.
  • Bulk printed subscriptions will continue to be mailed as usual.

Enjoy your Essay! Send us your stories, questions, writings or artwork at essay@sa.org.

The Editors and Board of Trustees

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