SA in the World

Region Building

Representatives of SA in Singapore and South Korea joined a meeting of the Australia and New Zealand Service Board (ANZSB) for a teleconference last Saturday, April 1st. ANZSB has asked SA’s Regional Alignment Committee (RAC) about the requirements for becoming a new SA Region.

International News

Dimitri P. recently rotated out as Chair of the SA International Committee (thank you Dimitri!). Mike F. has temporarily stepped in as Chair. If you have ideas about how the International Committee might evolve or would like to get involved in international service work for the Fellowship, please contact Interim Chair Mike F. at

Worldwide Meeting Map

There were 1,830 SA meetings worldwide when counted in 2014. Nowadays, it must be nearer 2,000. I pray that one day soon every one of these little gems will appear on the SA International Committee’s World Meeting Map. In the meantime, 333 more flags have been added to the Map, marking the approximate locations of each of our SA Buddy List Members, many of whom have no regular SA meeting nearby. Look under Meetings at:

Nicholas S., UK

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