Discussion Topic: Are you having fun in travel in your sobriety?
Did you, like Moein in the article “Having Fun in Recovery with My Recovery Friends,” go to any length to let go of former playmates and playgrounds? Or do you still have some hidden bottles “to provide you with fun” in case recovery wouldn’t give it to you on your terms?
Do you truly experience that “the fellowship is the substitute of the addiction”? (AA 152) Do you invest in socializing time with your fellows? Do you only take or also give in such activities—by helping to organize or by participating in the logistics?
Have you taken the risk of going out of your comfort zone and traveled with program fellows to conventions, workshops or retreats?
What are your main challenges while traveling in sobriety, with fellows, family members or other friends, today?
What can you and your home group do to welcome newcomers to socializing activities?
You may use this topic in a discussion meeting, or send us a story of your own recovery journey to essay@sa.org
The ESSAY Editor