Please Keep Contributing As SA Does Not Accept Outside Donations
It fills me with awe to write this ESSAY column each issue. Who would have thought, when this sexaholic entered a meeting many years ago, that my experience and recovery could help so many? I get to share with you all the marvelous things that contribute to international recovery all over the world.
New Region. The General Delegate Assembly in February approved the creation of a new SA region for Australia and New Zealand. The ANZ Delegate took part for the first time in the May GDA meeting.
Finances. This is a difficult year for us, with inflation raising the prices on everything we do. Please keep contributing through your local meetings, intergroups, and regions—and make any extra contributions directly to sa.org. Remember: We accept no outside donations, so it’s up to all of us to make sure we can continue to provide the services we do.
Meeting Census. It’s taken a few years, but our 2020 census is now complete. We have registered over 1700 meetings around the world. Our largest region Is Europe and Middle East (EMER) with 338 meetings. The seven North American regions each have about 100 to 200 meetings. Other meetings help sexaholics stay sober in many regions around the world. The Regional Alignment Committee is now digesting the data to offer new proposed representation for the General Delegate Assembly.
Meeting Registration. Please keep your meeting registration current, because the IT Committee is working to convert the sa.org Meeting Finder to use the same database. If your meeting isn’t registered, do so today! This new app puts the power of the web in your hands for newcomers to find you.
Web Application Developer Needed. SA is looking for volunteer web application developers to build and maintain new functions on our sa.org website. Example functions are the Meeting Finder, Event Registration, SA Store, etc. Needs experience in web design and development with knowledge in PHP, HTML, CSS, and basic SQL. Talk with your sponsor about what you can do. If you are interested, contact SAICO to be connected to the IT Committee.
Board of Trustees. We have a large turnover of Trustees this year, with three of the current Trustees terming off in July. The GDA has already elected two replacements who started service in May, so our servant leadership does continue.
New Video. Public Information Committee has created a new video, coming soon on sa.org, that highlights what the Correctional Facilities Committee does. It’s a compelling description of the problems of our disease.
Eric H., Florida, USA — Trustee Chair