What’s Going On in SA

SA Today Meeting in Daytona, FL

New Delegate Assembly Members

Introductions were made of the newest Delegates, Dorene S., CA, Southwest Region, and Art B., GA, Southeast Region.


A new lease was negotiated for Central Office. SA has a home for the next five years, with an option to renew for another five years. Work continues on the publication of El Libro Blanco, the Spanish White Book. New equipment purchases have improved computer operations. Email is coming in from around the globe.


1998 Budget for SA is $148,000. Bob R. noted that SA is still not self-supporting through contributions. He suggested groups to send monies above the “prudent reserve” to Central Office to support work done at the national level. Roy K. pointed out that individual contributions could be made also. Several committees had to be pared—Literature and SA Corrections Committee. Copies of the budget are available from Central Office.


Michael J. has served faithfully and well for the last two years and now is ready to go on to another committee. A new Chair for the committee will be needed in July. The Chair maintains the Loners Mailing List for members who wish to be added to the list. Those members on the list correspond by letters and phone calls to other members in isolated areas.

SA Corrections Committee

In the spirit of “being of maximum helpfulness,” the Committee is seeking group and intergroup sponsorship of prisons and inmates. Literature for prisoners can be purchased and shipped at cost. The need is great. The message needs to be carried by a person to a person. SACC can be contacted at PO Box 283, Bellevue, WA 98004. The Email address is sacc@sa.org.

Literature Committee

Work is proceeding on El Libro Blanco, the Spanish White Book, and three new brochures. The brochures are To the Newcomer, SA as a Resource for the Health and Helping Professional, and SA Telephone Service Guidelines. The brochures are still being edited and polished. The goal is to have all these new items available in Newark in July. The next major project will be an SA Step Study Guide. Groups and Intergroups that are currently using some locally produced guide are urged to send a copy to Central Office for the Literature Committee to review and consider in construction of an SA guide.


The Internet serves the extremely useful purpose of getting the message out to a great number of people. The SA Net group numbers over 100 and is truly international. Inquiries from the Internet outnumber land mail. On line order entry is now available in English, Spanish, and German. Help is needed to start work on other languages. Their Email address is internet@sa.org.

Special Needs This committee provides a forum for SA members who have special needs in getting to meetings, such as childcare or physical handicaps. Patrick N., a blind SA, shared briefly about how the fellowship in Nashville had helped him overcome obstacles to attending meetings. He stressed that knowledge and sensitivity are key factors.


How do you like our new magazine format? Feedback is welcome. Unfortunately, however, subscriptions have been falling. Several options are being studied to improve circulation. Articles, member stories, and group news should be sent to Central Office, addressed to Essay. Essay is a gold mine of SA experience and recovery, and is a continuing source of inspiration to members at all points of recovery.

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