Some of you may be thinking about corresponding with a sexaholic in prison or starting an SA meeting in a correctional facility. We hope this member’s story will give you confidence that such work can benefit your recovery in unexpected ways.

Just Like Me

In January of 2000, our group helped initiate a group at a State Correctional Institution. It has become my weekly meeting, because it is closer than other outside meetings I could attend.

The meeting was requested by a few inmates who are taking responsibility for keeping the meeting going. They are doing a great job leading the meetings, planning topics, confronting issues that arise, and inviting new guests. There are three of us from the outside that attend on a weekly basis — two others and myself.

We meet on a Sexual Offenders wing (Unit D) of the prison, so right now those are the only ones who can attend. We average 12 inmates, and each one is taking this very seriously. Others have come to check us out. And because of the sobriety definition, many of the on-staff counselors are taking note, and seeing changes in these inmates’ lives.

We just finished reading and discussing the Sobriety Definition — a huge eye opener! Our current readings have focused on First Step work. Next week one of our men from the outside is going to give his First Step as an example of how it’s done (imperfectly).

As we were leaving the meeting last week, one of my fellow members asked, “So how do you feel?” I told him, “I feel both content and scared to death.” Many of the inmates are in for long-term sentences, rape, incest, etc. I feel that we are on the cutting edge of life, and my seriousness in my own sobriety has never been so high. This has all been a blessing. I feel outside meetings will never be the same. My co-dependent side wants me to go to meetings to change them. But as I’ve sat in meetings behind six locked doors, with men who are just like me, I realize that “but for the grace of God go I.” I am not changing them — God, through them, is changing me!

When these inmates, many of whom are facing ten plus years in lock down, talk sobriety, they are dead serious. For them to get 30 days is amazing; 60 days astounding; and longer is incredible.

I just wanted to give a report of the exciting things that are happening in this neck of the woods, and to encourage others to find a meeting in a prison if possible.

My life will never be the same.

Joe K., PA

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