I discovered how great the recovery readings are when someone loaned me the 2000, Issue One edition with writings of Jesse L. So, now I want more inspirational recovery reading. Here is my subscription for the ESSAY. Keep up the great work!

Nathan, L.A., CA

Dear Central Office:

Enclosed is a check from the Wednesday night meeting at St. Teresa’s in Chicago. I now live in Madison, WI. I still attend the Wednesday night meeting because it’s so great. We have only one small meeting in Madison. Two of us meet faithfully on Monday and Thursday nights. Thanks for your patience and keep up the great work.

Jim, Madison, WI

Greetings from the deep, deep South:

I am one of the loner type members who has been fortunate to find the Internet meeting. I have found it extremely useful and a valuable aid to maintaining sobriety for the last couple of years. I hear I should advise you of my status as a loner and if any enquiries come through about the possibility of setting up an SA group in Wellington, New Zealand, I will be after more information and help.

Barry, Wellington, NZ

I would like to inform you that I and my three other friends begin to meet weekly in an informal meeting in Jakarta. We share and give e, s, & h. I’m reading the White Book now, a gift from a friend in SA Australia. I myself am not capable of beginning a new group because I lack of experience and knowledge. My friends do not know SA at all. We lack resources to understand how the group should be run and maintained.

If it is possible, please inform about this group through email. We hope that this group can help other people who suffer from that addiction in Jakarta and Indonesia. I need help to make this group continue to exist from you and friends abroad.

Thank you very much.

Tom, Jakarta, Indonesia

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