SA Correctional Facilities Committee Report

We have changed our name to Sexaholics Anonymous Correctional Facilities Committee (SACFC). It was felt this name provided a clearer description of the work of the committee.

Buddy S., PA, is the new Chair of the SACFC, replacing William R., WA.

William R., WA, will continue to work part-time for SA as Correctional Facilities Coordinator, carrying out the daily administrative tasks of the committee.

Joe D., WI, is taking over from Joe D., MD, the service position of sending out the introductory letters to inmates who request our literature.

Keith S., MI, has agreed to coordinate the SACFC Correspondence Service. Future members and inmates who wish to sign up for this service may write to Keith at: SACFC Correspondence Service, P.O. Box 99667, Troy, MI 48099. Since its inception in 1998, 63 inmates and 41 members have signed up for the Correspondence Service.

Ray S., AZ, has drafted proposed guidelines for members interested in sponsoring inmates. It includes letters about sponsorship addressed to the member and the inmate, as well as simple suggestions regarding each step. If you are interested in seeing a copy of his proposal, you may request a copy from the SACFC.

Tom A., NJ, is working with inmates and staff at a correctional facility in New Jersey that has shown interest our program. Since the start of last year 76 inmates from that institution have requested the SA handbook. This year our committee made contact with 18 new prison officials in 7 different states.

We now have four stories of members that have been incarcerated. We hope members, local groups, and intergroups who are interested will ask for copies of these stories. Their stories are available from the SACFC.

We have 13 new SACFC representatives now serving as contacts for our committee. We now have a total of 30 members in 22 states that help coordinate the work of our committee for their area.

This last year SAICO mailed 316 SA handbooks to inmates and correctional officials in the U.S. This represents a 35% increase over last year. For the first time we had 19 inmates request the handbook in Spanish. We also sent out 460 brochures, 77 of which were in Spanish. Members in Australia ordered 10 copies of the SA handbook to distribute to inmates there.

SA members continued to generously support the work of the SACFC. This year member contributions rose to $10,087.89 — an 18% increase over contributions in 1999. We are grateful to all of the members, local groups, intergroups and conferences that share their sobriety through their monetary contributions to the SACFC.

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