Poetry Corner

The Test

I said to God, “Look how much I’ve grown.”
Then I waited for His reply.

A man came up to talk to me,
And I spoke of how I was better than he.
But when he was gone, in my heart I knew,
I had failed God’s test for humility.


The Last Page

A book stands in the corner
It glows with shimmering light
I’m drawn to look upon it
For the story of my life

I read each page with interest
I laugh, sometimes I cry
The book is so compelling
Pure truth without a lie

The book goes by so quickly
The pages of joy too few
One page of hurts too many
But several are reviewed

One page is all that’s left now
No writing has appeared
A pen sits by within my grasp
My words to choose, so dear

God fills my heart with love for all
His page means He is near
With pen in hand I start to write
Dear Lord, I have no fear…

Mark F.

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