What’s Going On in SA

Report of the General Delegate Assembly
January 2002, Atlanta, GA


  • That this Delegate Assembly approves the inclusion and publication in SA Fellowship-approved literature, the wording “in SA’s sobriety definition the word ‘spouse’ refers to one’s partner in a marriage between a man and a woman.”
  • That this Delegate Assembly reaffirms that the “White Book” is approved literature and should be made available whenever SA members from all over the world are gathered in convention.
  • That everyone who believes they may have a problem with lust is welcome to attend SA closed meetings and may consider themselves members if they say they have a desire to stop lusting and become sexually sober.
  • That this Delegate Assembly approves the “SA To the Newcomer” pamphlet, with addition of wording from the first and third motions above, pending review by Legal Committee for any copyright or legal ramifications.
  • That this Delegate Assembly approves the “SA as a Resource for the Health and Helping Professional” pamphlet, with a recommendation to reformat it to allow for bulk mail capability and to include a statement that will not be misunderstood as an endorsement of therapy, treatment, or other programs.
  • That this Delegate Assembly directs the Trustees to direct the Literature Committee to resume work on Member Stories.
  • That this Delegate Assembly directs the Trustees to direct the Literature Committee to resume work on “A Twelve and Twelve for SA,” not compromising quality for completion within a time limit.
  • That this Delegate Assembly directs the Trustees to request that the Literature Committee consider a pamphlet on same-sex lust issues, and another one on [lust issues involving] internet porn and chat rooms.


Fr. Emmerich Vogt, Non-sexaholic Trustee from Portland, and Tricia S., Sexaholic Trustee from Oklahoma, were reaffirmed. Sylvia, Sexaholic Trustee from Oklahoma, rotated off the Board of Trustees because her term of service expired. The remaining Trustees resigned.

The following Sexaholic Trustees were elected:

  • Carole L., from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
  • Priscilla C., from Nashville, TN
  • Dorene S., from Washougal, WA
  • Gary W., from Southern CA
  • Bob S., from Auburn, CA


Shirley S., Southern CA, will succeed Dorene as Chair of the General Delegate Assembly; Bill S., Southeast, is the new Alternate Chair.

Shirley S., Chair

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