Acquiring the Solution

I believe that Steps One and Two are by far the hardest Steps, because they require no work—only belief and conviction born out of suffering. I was deluded about my understanding of Steps One and Two for many years. I hadn’t suffered enough, I hadn’t believed enough, and my conviction to change was weak. I have learned that the evidence of solid Steps One and Two is a profound mistrust of my own ideas, emotions, and attitudes when it comes to dealing with lust and determining the course of my life. Further evidence is a profound willingness to think and do what God would have me think and do as stated in Step Three.

I cannot afford to be restless, irritable, discontent, or filled with shame, fear, guilt, or remorse. Otherwise, I will probably lust. In order to avoid this, I have to work Steps Four through Nine.

I have discovered that Steps Four through Nine are the easiest Steps because I’m finally solidly grounded in Steps One, Two and Three, one day at a time. In Steps Four through Nine, I acquire the solution, and I want the solution. Steps Four through Nine require me to follow directions and take action based on those directions. So, I follow directions as my sponsors taught me to do, with relish and in anticipation of God’s promises.

Mitch A.

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