Women Helping Women in SA

Hi, I am Judy, a sexaholic.

I live in a small town in North Idaho. When I was six months sober, God and I started a meeting. It was small, but it lasted for three and a half years, and was instrumental in my sobriety. Then the meeting folded, and I was without a face-to-face meeting.

Someone then asked me if I would be interested in chairing a committee for loner women. I said, “Nah, I am already doing a lot of service work as it is.” But you know, a nagging feeling kept tugging at my heart, and God pumped up my vision much bigger than a women’s loner committee. I called back and said “Yes, but it will include much more.” So WISA (Women in SA) was born.

There is such a need. But getting into the door is difficult. It can be so daunting! Many women walk into a room full of men and get so scared they don’t want to come back. We hope to share recovery with women and show them how to ease into the fellowship. SA is truly a safe place for them, too.

We have many inquiries, and I hope we are able to help women get connected not only to other women, but to the fellowship of SA. That is the main theme of WISA.

We have a weekly phone meeting. We have a Yahoo group LOOP (one person shares and it emails to everyone on the list). We try to run these just like a face-to-face meeting. There are many other ideas we are working on; it just takes time.

We are carrying the message. Please pray for us.

Judy, Sandpoint, ID

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