Frustration I Know

“Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen . . .”

This sexaholic is quite grateful for being shown the road to recovery in SA. The examples and sharing of others have shown me that I didn’t have to remain the person I was: I could be rebuilt. That is why I have printed on my checks: “Please be patient, God isn’t finished with me yet.” I am not too old to change my attitude. Let me give you an example.

I had been working in the crawl space under my daughter’s house for over a month, sometimes in single digit temperatures. I had been planning on getting home for lunch after completing the last task. I only had to hang the 16” high x 34” wide door, but one thing after another kept not working. I had to keep crawling out for another modification, only to realize that still another obstacle existed. My bad leg hurt, I was very frustrated, and could just feel that old urge to swear building up.

But my Higher Power had a different plan for me. After reminding me of how I had given in to bad impulses when things did not work out as I wanted, He allowed me to choose. I could stubbornly insist on my way, or I could ask for help. Instead of swearing in anger, I took a deep breath, laid back, and started praying. As I calmed down, I resumed working while continuing my prayers.

Although I wound up getting home late for supper, I was content. The job was finished, the temptation vanquished, and I remained thankful for my compassionate Higher Power.

God, help me with the frustrations and temptations of this life.


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