Step Study Group Success

The Rochester group would like to share our recent success following the adoption of a new Twelve Step group study format.

Nearly two years ago, we held a steering committee meeting to discuss how we could improve our group. We felt that our meetings tended to focus more on problems than on solutions. We agreed that problems were better left for discussion with sponsors, and that working the Steps was the true solution. Therefore, our group conscience approved a Twelve Step meeting format.

Using the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, members read one paragraph at a time, from the Step we are working on that week. After each paragraph is read, members who have completed the Step are asked to comment on that paragraph. Then, members who have not completed the Step are free to ask questions. This all takes place during the normal sharing portion of the meeting (#9 under “SA Meeting Formats,” Sexaholics Anonymous, p. 197).

We started the new format at our Monday night meetings, which had suffered from low attendance for the past five years (averaging about 10 members per week). Using the new format, we completed all Twelve Steps in about 12 months, during which the Monday night meeting attendance steadily improved. Today, the group boasts 35 to 40 members each night. Our Wednesday night group has also grown to approximately 50 attendees each week.

We have seen the quality of our membership improve as well. Two years ago, only about five members had completed the Steps and could actively sponsor new members. Today, nearly 20 members have completed the Steps, regularly attend meetings, and are available to sponsor newcomers.

The Rochester Group, Rochester, New York

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