Are You a “Thinkaholic”?

My AA sponsor used to say “Thinking, not drinking is your problem.” Today I realize that thinking has caused as many problems for me as drinking, drugging, and lusting. Prior to recovery, many people talked to me about my thinking. I’ve lost jobs in my addiction and in sobriety as a result of my self-centered thinking and ego (easing God out).

Alcoholics Anonymous uses the word “thinking” more than 65 times, usually in a negative light. For example, “Were we thinking of ourselves most of the time” (86), and “His way of thinking and doing are the habit of years” (118).

Many Twelve Step fellowships use “20 Questions” to help newcomers decide whether they are members. One version of these questions (meant to be humorous) substitutes the word “thinking” for “drinking.” I find great truth in it.

Following are some examples of the “thinking” questions. If I don’t want to answer “yes” to these questions, I must follow the suggestions of my program and remain God-centered.

Steve C.

“Thinkaholics” Self-Test

  1. Do you lose time from work due to thinking?
  2. Is thinking making your home life unhappy?
  3. Is thinking affecting your reputation?
  4. Have you ever felt remorse after thinking?
  5. Have you gotten into financial difficulties as a result of thinking?
  6. Do you turn to lower companions when thinking?
  7. Does your thinking make you careless of your family’s welfare?
  8. Does thinking cause you to have difficulty in sleeping?
  9. Is thinking jeopardizing your job or business?
  10. Do you think to escape from worries or trouble?
  11. Have you ever been treated for your thinking?
  12. Have you ever been hospitalized on account of thinking?

If you answered YES to any one question, that is a warning that you may be a thinkaholic. If you answered YES to any two, the chances are good that you are a thinkaholic. If you answered YES to three or more, you are definitely a thinkaholic.

And finally, Rule 62…don’t take yourself so seriously (12&12 69).

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