What’s Going On in SA

Note from the Delegate Chair

Dear Fellow SA Members:

I’ve asked Dave Mc., Finance Committee member, to take my space this month to provide a brief overview of the 2008-2009 budget. We are grateful for the service of all Finance Committee members.

Larry H.

Finance Report

The fellowship fell short of budget projections for income from contributions—not surprising in light of our current economy. Noticing this trend halfway through 2008, the Finance Committee, Trustees, and SAICO began trimming expenses by postponing SAICO’s move to new office space, and by reducing GDA travel expenses through teleconferencing. These and other cost-cutting moves, plus increased literature sales, enabled us to continue to contribute to our prudent reserve.

The Finance committee will review the 2009 budget on April 19th and discuss necessary changes to balance our 5th Tradition mandate to reach the addict who still suffers with the 7th Tradition mandate of being fully self-supporting. Please hold us in your thoughts, and prayerfully consider the level of your personal or group contributions to SA and SAICO.

If you have any questions about individual line items or would like a copy of the current Excel spreadsheet with line item breakouts—or if you are interested in serving on the Finance Committee—contact me at saico@sa.org.

In service,

Dave Mc., Finance Committee Member

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