Finance Report

The fellowship again fell short of budget projections for revenue from contributions—not surprising in light of the current economy. Catching this trend early in 2009, the Finance Committee, Trustees, and SAICO discussed reducing staff hours and cancelling salary increases. SAICO staff agreed and changes were implemented. Late in 4th quarter ‘09, we made projections. Thus the 2010 budget restores staff salaries, hours, and benefits. The projected impact on the 2010 budget is an additional $9,900 expense. If necessary, Trustees and Delegates approved drawing potential shortfalls (up to $10,000) from the Prudent Reserve, now at approximately seven months expenses ($162,000). Six months Prudent Reserve is SA’s current policy.

The Finance committee will review the 2010 budget in April and discuss any changes necessary to balance our 5th Tradition mandate to reach the addict who still suffers with the 7th Tradition mandate of being fully self-supporting. Please hold these Traditions in your thoughts as you prayerfully consider the level of your personal, group, and intergroup contributions to SAICO. If you have any questions about individual line items or would like a copy of the current budget, please contact me at

In service,

Dave Mc., Finance Committee Chair

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