SA Around the World

Greetings from Tasmania, Australia

In Tasmania, we have a meeting location at Deloraine, midway between Ulverstone and Launceston. However, this is a round trip of 140 km for me and 100 km for a second member. A third member lives in Hobart, 300 km from Ulverstone and 200 km from Launceston. Thus, the three of us usually meet by conference call. If any two of us are in Hobart or Launceston, we will have a face-to-face meeting.

I was a loner for four years after I moved from Melbourne in Victoria. Today, it’s great to have two guys to fellowship with! I also value the chance to meet other members at the conferences on the mainland.

Tassie Dave

Greetings from Melbourne, Australia

Ye Olde Melbourne Towne (founded in 1835) of Port Phillip Bay is located in the “Garden State” of Victoria, which is the most southeastern mainland state of Australia. The first SA meeting in Melbourne is said to have been held in the inner city of Richmond, circa 1992, when the three founding members acquired a copy of the White Book and sat down to read it on a bench on the footpath of a very busy Victoria Street.

Today, Melbourne has four active meetings: Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings and a Saturday morning breakfast meeting. We also host an annual national conference in September/October. In March there is a convention in either Sydney or Canberra. Melbourne also has an active Intergroup that meets monthly.

We would like to invite anyone who may be travelling in Australia to attend a meeting and share with us your E,S,&H!

Joe B.

New ESSAY Section: “SA Around the World”

Please keep us posted on your group!

We are always eager to hear about SA in your town—anywhere in the world! How about sending an update about how you are growing, learning, or solving difficulties? Suggested length of shares is 50 – 250 words; longer shares are welcome depending on space limitations.

Submit your group news to—or consider sending a note with your next contribution to SAICO!

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