Starting a Local CFC

In the San Francisco Bay area, we started a Friday SA group with the purpose of interacting with prisoners who are part of the local sponsor-by-mail program. We wanted to create a different kind of meeting from our usual White Book “read and share” meetings—a meeting that would establish bonds between SA members in prison and those of us on the outside. Our Friday group has provided joyous recovery for all of us.

At first, our intention was simply to expand the sponsor-by-mail program in our local area. We encouraged sober members to sponsor those in prison, and to send out information packets to the prisons, explaining the principles of recovery. But as we went along, we began to envision new opportunities to carry the message. We became aware of the great needs of incarcerated members.

In our meetings, we read the letters we get from the prisoners. Many times, after a letter is read, there is a period of profound silence, as we feel an overwhelming spiritual connection with the prisoners as they work the Steps. We begin to see recovery in a new light. Afterwards, we often write individual shares in response to the prisoner.

Let me mention that none of our current group members has ever been to prison. It was by circumstance that I got involved, after listening to an SA member in prison share his story. He contributed a column for our local SA newsletter, in which he shared his progress in recovery as he works his program. His service has been vital to our understanding of the prisoners.

As an outgrowth of our Friday meeting, we have established a regional arm of SA’s Corrections Facility Committee (SACFC), under our Northern California Intergroup. Impressed with the progress of the SACFC, we set up our regional CFC in the hope of forging a connection with the California state penal system.

Since becoming a CFC sponsor-by-mail, I have sought like-minded people who are intent on carrying the SA message. Based on my experience, I would encourage other members to interact with prisoners in your local area, and other Intergroups to connect with the SACFC. Our group has found this to be a rewarding experience that enhances our own sobriety.

If you would like to learn more about our local experience, or how to connect with SA’s CFC, please contact me at, or contact I will look forward to serving along with you.

Eric S.

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