The People I Meet

SA/S-Anon International Convention
January 14-16, 2011, Irvine, CA

I just came back from the Irvine convention. I had a wonderful time!

I met many newcomers at the convention—members who had never been to a meeting before. I was surprised by their courage to go to such a huge gathering, where they did not know anyone. I met other people who have long-term recovery. I was encouraged by the serenity that radiated from them.

I was blessed by listening to a man share one night, at our dinner table of ten people, about the struggles he had with a really bad day. As he shared, I heard his acceptance of the day—as bad as it was—and his gratitude that God reached down and pulled him out of it. He also shared that, without any SA meetings in his small town, he began his SA work through AA meetings. I was inspired by his faith in God and his willingness to go to any lengths to recover.

But I think my very favorite convention share was the Sunday morning SA speaker. He seemed filled with the joy of recovery, and he wanted others to experience the same joy. He shared that a sponsee once called him and reported, “Well, I’ve made it through another week” (meaning that he had been sober another week). The speaker replied, “You made it through another week? That’s not what recovery is about. Recovery is about enjoying life!” The speaker then said to all of us: “If you have nothing enjoyable to look forward to, you need to talk with your sponsor!” He encouraged each of us to find our own joy in recovery.

One other thing he said was, “I spent most of my life trying to work the hell out of my life. It was when I learned to accept God into my life that I found peace.” I was blessed by his joy and his faith in God.

I love conventions because in the stories of the people I meet (both near and far), I hear of the power of God at work. I’m grateful for old-timers as well as newcomers, because I learn from them all.

What a wonderful feeling to be a part of something meaningful and powerful with all of you.

Sara, grateful member of SA

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