Finance Report

Dear Fellow SA Members,

2011 was financially a very good year for SAICO operations. We finished the year with a $4,088 net gain compared to a budgeted $4,300 net loss. Total revenue exceeded budget by just under $15,000 (6.4%). Increased literature sales and ESSAY subscriptions accounted for $12,500 of the revenue excess. Convention revenues accounted for the remainder.

Expenses were $6,600 (2.5%) over budget. Corresponding to the increased literature sales was an increase in printing and distribution costs ($6,500). Roughly $3,600 of these literature costs covered the printing of the new SA Pocket Tool Kit and the purchase of 400 copies of Sexaholics Anonymous for the Pennsylvania prison project.

Our thanks go out to the fellowship for their continued support.

In service,

Carlton B., Finance Committee Member

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