Getting Lust Out

Newcomers often ask, “How do you get lust out of your head?” My honest reply is, “I have no earthly idea.” You see, for me, I have never been able to get lust out of my head. I’ve tried. I’ve tried really hard. I tried for three decades and I failed. I have failed every time. Then I noticed something. When I can bring my Higher Power into my thoughts, then lust leaves. I focus on humility by asking God to have mercy on me. I imagine how big God is and how little I am. I visualize the faces of members at my last meeting and ask God what I can do for each of them. Lust, it seems, must flee in the presence of my Higher Power. I simply must make the choice to invite God into my head. God gets the lust out, I do not.

Mark E., San Antonio, TX

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