Greetings from Kenya

Dear Friends in SA,

Greetings from the new group in Nairobi! Five years ago, we tried to start an SA group in Kenya, but it only lasted two months, with just one regular member. Then in May 2012, an SA meeting started again and we have been alive and well for the past eight months! We now have eight regular members and several others who have expressed interest. We have been carrying the message to these people, and have also made inroads to the helping professions, such as psychologists and counselors.

Literature is key in helping our meetings stay on course. We recently launched a local website ( We would like SA pamphlets to be available online, so that more information about recovery can be accessed in our country. We will purchase a mobile phone for one member who has volunteered to serve as helpline operator.

We would like to have one or two of our members attend a live SA international convention to see what goes on there, and perhaps to replicate the same in Kenya. We hope to translate some SA literature into Swahili, which is spoken in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zanzibar, South Sudan, Congo, Burundi and Rwanda.

Thank you so much for your work of service, without which SA would not have reached those out here who need help. Please help us to show people here in Kenya that joining SA is not a crime and should not be seen as something shameful.

Franklin, for the Nairobi Group

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